
Day for safety and health at work

ce contenu
    We initiated our awareness day for Safety and Health at Work on May 5,2022. To enhance this day and make the best use of it, Vivo’s staff engaged in various activities in the company’s gardens.

    Firefighters, a nutritionist, a sports coach, CNPS (Social Security) representatives and HSC members united to raise awareness for improving our daily lives.

    Firefighters were able to perform demonstrations to teach several lifesaving gestures, from putting an accident victim in a lateral position, to using fire extinguishers and extinguishing fire...

    The nutritionist took advantage of the gathering to educate the attendees, especially those wearing spectacles or those who were obviously overweight. Our eyes were opened on a few facts we were ignorant of, such as: oil is the cause for high cholesterol and sugar is our first enemy.

    The sports coach taught the assistance how to maintain the skeleton through a few exercises.

    Meanwhile, the CNPS agents shared useful information on how to ensure that we take full advantage of retirement and how to check our CNPS profiles.

    Finally, our very recent HSC introduced the program of activities to the personnel. This committee was officially inducted before closing the day.

    To top it off, ’healthy’ snacks were served with smoothies full of vitamins.